CAI/May 7th 2014
26 of July Axis
Continuance maintenance and repairs for 26th of July Axis, made me curious to find the location of such Axis in relation to ABU RAWASH Major Fault.
Driving along to Axis from CAI/ALEX Desert Road to LEBANON Square, using GPS, Recording (several Coordinate Readings (Listed in the attached ANNEX) – and comparing it with ABU RAWASH Major Fault location.
We discovered an intersection between them in different locations, Along the Axis.
Irrespect the accuracy of such reading in regard to the intersection areas, the location of the Axis near by a major Fault could create a great problems – leading to the FETAL Disaster, as the load on the Axis may effect this fault.
So, we strongly recommend to investigate, this problem and advise the authorities to assign a proper technically oriented teams to watch this Fault and other Major Faults in the country
Coordinates of 26 July, AXIS VS ABU RAWASH MAJOR FAULT
(At Site) (Google Maps)
Station (1) lat. 30° 03” 46.1” 30° 03’ 26.82N 30° 03’ 28.7”
Long. 311° 10’ 14.5” 31° 04’ 43.22E 31° 04’ 41.9”
Detailed Site INVESTIGATION of 26th of July Axis
Starting Point
1) Lat. 30° 02’ 49.1” N This PT
Long. 31° 03 18.6” E
2) Lat. 30° 03’ 15.8” N At the Fault
Long 31° 04’ 15.4” E
3) Lat. 30° 02’ 23.4” N
Long 31° 05’ 01.7” E
4) Lat. 30° 03’ 45.2” N This PT at the Major the FAULT
Long 31° 05’ 36.3” E
5) Lat. 30° 03’ 48.0” N
Long 31° 06’ 11.5” E
6) Lat. 30° 03’ 51.6” N
Long 31° 06’ 16.1” E
7) Lat. 30° 03’ 55.6” N
Long 31° 07’ 49” E
8) Lat. 30° 04’ 02.0” N
Long 31° 08’ 42” E
9) Lat. 30° 03’ 55” N
Long 31° 09’ 17.4” E
10) Lat. 30° 03’ 50” N
Long 31° 09’ 48.2” E
11) At the Intersection W/LEBANON SQ.
Lat. 30° 03’ 46.1” N
Long 31° 10’ 14.5” E
At the intersection of Axis W/ABU RAWASH FAULT
Lat. 30° 1.4’ N Long 31° 02” E
Major Fault Latit: 30° 03’ N, Long 31° 05’ E
Smaller Fault Latit: 30° 1.2’ N, Long 31° 04’ E
I found that site very usefull and this survey is very cirious, I ' ve never seen a blog that demand a survey for this actions, very curious... Fault Location Services Good